Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Would it ever be possible to send a rocket to orbit and probe Uranus?

I know they have sent spacecraft to the moon. Men have been on the moon. Spacecraft have landed on Mars but unmanned. Could it be possible to shoot beyond and boldly go where no man has gone before? How about shooting a rocket to orbit and probe Uranus?|||uhm.... I hope this isn't a joke about the pronunciation of uranus.....

because its pronounced with a soft "a" like "above" NOT an sharp "A" like anus.......... its a -name- of a roman god and as far as I know there isn't one named "your anus"

its a terrible joke and only reflects the lack of knowledge of history, reading and pronunciation.

but on the other hand..........

we've passed uranus with one of the voyager probes (back in the eighties?) this is a sample of what we got.鈥?/a>

and we've already sent a probe called new horizons to pluto which is much further than uranus. it should be there in a few years|||Sure, just takes money, vision and will

Right now the New Horizons craft is just over 50% of the way to Pluto, Voyager 1%26amp;2 are pausing through the heliopause (the boundary between our solar system and the rest of the galaxy).|||Yup.|||nah people would prolly die of old age

if they where shot to Uranus|||it depends how big ur butthole is


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