Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What do you use to probe genomic DNA?

What does it mean to probe genomic DNA or when someone asks what was used to probe the genomic DNA? Does this mean what was the restriction enzyme?|||A probe is a small oligo that has a radioactive molecule that is bound to it. You can detect the molecule via audioradiography.

The basic process is called a Southern blot.

You take the genome of your organism and digest it randomly with your enzymes (or you be specific, depending on what you are planning on doing).

Then you run the sample on a polyacrylamide gel and denature DNA to ssDNA. Then transfer to nitrocelluose paper and use you probe.

Once the probe is bound to your specific DNA seqeunce, you will see a single bright band (or more than one, depending on the experiment) that the probe bound to.

This method is search for specific DNA seqeunces.

good luck.

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