Saturday, November 19, 2011

Does anyone have the slightest idea of how much the Vega 1 space probe cost ?

I have looked everywhere for the cost of this space probe It was launched December 15 1984. I need the cost for a report and it would be extremely helpful for any information regarding the cost if you do find something can I have the website or other source so I can cite it? Please help me, thank you!|||This is going to be a tough one.

Even if you could find the budget in rubles, there is no meaningful conversion to anything else, because the ruble wasn't a convertible currency in Soviet times.

The Soviet Union just didn't publish these things. You might be able to find numbers in journals of that era, like Pravda (available on microfilm at any decent university library) or Kril'ya Rodiny ("Wings of the Motherland" - cool title!). A smattering of Russian is handy for space geeks...

Addendum: the other thing you could do is what western analysts did all the time during the Cold War: compare the size and complexity of the Soviet project with known western projects, and estimate from there.

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