Saturday, November 19, 2011

94 ford probe wont start unless is it being jumped by another car, but the battery is not dead?

i have a 94 for probe and i took it to have the battery and alternator checked and they are both fine, but when you get in the car all the lights are on and the door dings, but when i turn the key everything goes dim and the engine will not turn over, it sounds like it is starting to turn over, but dosnt. what could the problem be.|||well if everything checks out good you need to take the battery terminals off the battery and clean the battery terminals and cables real good with a wire brush and reinstall as they must not be making good contact.|||My Ford Probe does the same thing, but I found a way around this problem if you can't find a working solution. If I leave one of my car doors open for a minute or two, then slam it, the car gets enough charge to start. Turn the key very slowly and only after your battery reader has reached its max.

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|||bad ground, or dirty battery connections. That would be a good place to start.

good luck|||Not seeing it I would say that your starter is drawing to much power. I would also guess that it needs a new starter.|||bad battery..many car will run radio/lites and not turn starter|||Start by taking off the battery cables, cleaning both the battery posts and the cable terminals, then reinstalling, making sure they are tight. If it now starts, that was your problem. If not, it's your battery, perhaps a low cell that wouldn't show on a test except under load.

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