Saturday, November 19, 2011

What are 3 possible questions a Venus in Scorpio guy would ask to probe a potential mate?

Posted this question again. Hope to gather enough opinions since Venus in Scorpio are a puzzle to me. What are 3 possible questions a Venus in Scorpio guy would ask to probe a potential mate? Give your insights as well on why he would ask these type of questions.|||Im a Venus in Scorpio

But Im a Libran Girl firstly...

Im very much to what it says a Venus In Scorpio is and my Libra gives it some class... lol

my bf is venus in scorpio too... so ill tell u what he asked me... :)

1. Would it be okay if i come along to that party ur going to on Saturday? I wanna be there with You... (actually he just wants to see which other guy is checking u out n if u r looking around too... but being venus in scorp myself... i was checkin if nyone was looking at him... He is obsessive and possesive...)

2. Why do you love me? Why Have i fallen in love with you? (stares into ur eyes like a lunatic) U Intrigue me sooo much... I just....*he sighs*.... and he expects a deep reply too... which i say...

I love you becuase you are like me...(and his eyes light up and he pierces ur eyes back...) or id say, we were just meant to be... and give him a piercing look... its meant to be a a deep, dark sensual look! and then he'll reply you with his eyes...., and he'll seduce you to bed... lol...

3. I wanna show you how much I love you... I want it to be me and you and i wanna feel ur soul.... is that okay with you hon? and he'll question u with his eyes... (theres no going back now or u'll break his heart...and once u have... in two days, he'll make it a plan to rape u and make u his for life if he is insane about u that is... )

so u look him back in the eyes, and say... "I wanna show you too.., Love me......." .. and ull make him feel like the KING! He will love you sooo much...

depends on ur sign... if ur a venus in scorpio... ull love the intense passion and love.. but if ur not, u mite not like it soo much....

hope this helps love! :)|||never dated a venus in scorpio (i dont think) but my dads and my sister both have it.... sooo yeaaah i'm used to dealing with those. there not gonna ask you straight out what they REALLY wanna know from you. think of it as between the lines of casual conversation using soft manipulation. but dont think of it as scary, cause honestly there the most deeply loving sweethearts along with taraus, pisces, libra, and leo venus. quesions they would ask? 1%26gt; your past relationships, family, marriage, kids whatever.. but dont worry there not judging. 2%26gt; have you ever been in love... love is what they do take seriously above anything else so they gotta know what level you on. 3%26gt; wanted your deepest darkest taboo secrets... yes when you start to spill things like that to them, the bond get greater of course but the greatest thing about it is they'll protect it and never tell a soul while loving you more for feeling that comfortable with them.|||...first, he will want to know what your (mother) looks like... because, in time...that's what YOU are going to look like ! (then)...he'll want to know do you like to "swallow"... because that's what he really wants from you ! (and) finally... can you just make him a sandwich when he's done and don't worry about all the other "crap" !|||Well i'm a venus in scorpio female, and i would defo ask about their past, as i am very suspicious and i want to know deeply about the background of my potential mate,|||Ahaha at that libra chick xDD you're a freak. you're actually someone I'd be friends with though.

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