Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the name of that probe that NASA launched last week?

The one that is suppose to explore the moon for a couple of days, and then explode it for ice, what is that probe and can I have more information? Also, if we look closely at the moon with a telescope on the day they blow it up, can we see like an ice cloud blow off the moon?|||It's called the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS). NASA hopes to crash it into the southern polar region of the moon. They can analyze the stuff spewed up by the crash and (hopefully) tell if there's water in it.鈥?/a>

Trying to watch the impact through a backyard telescope would be an interesting thing to try! It would be seriously cool if you could see something.|||I think what you mean is the LRO, Lunar Reconaissanec Orbiter. The craft just enters lunar orbit a couple of days ago. But I don't think the craft has a probe to be blown op on the surface of the moon. It will just peer into shadowed moon craters in search of water ice using the ultraviolet light.

I know a spacecraft that actually blows its probe to the surface to check the structure and the ice in its surface. It's called the Deep Impact probe. And it was launched to a comet 9P/Tempel, not to the moon

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