Saturday, November 19, 2011

What temperature should a meat probe read when cooking chicken?

when cooking chicken, what temperature should the meat probe read when it is ready?|||Depends on the cut of chicken and how dry you like it.

Some government agencies say cook it until dry and tasteless, but I prefer to cook a little less.

Guidelines say 180 degrees for whole poultry, 170 for breasts, and 165 for ground poultry.

I usually cook breasts to about 160-165, depending on size (larger to a lower temperature), then take out of the oven, cover with foil, and let residual heat bring them up to temp. If you cook to 170, then take out of the oven or other heat, you end up with 180 or 185 degree dry chicken. The larger the piece, the lower the temp you cook to, because it will still continue to cook after you take it out of the oven. A large chicken can easily climb 10 or 15 degrees even after you take it out of the oven and even if not covered.

For whole chicken, use a digital thermometer with a remote probe and you can monitor the internal temp from the outside of the oven. I would pull when the thigh is 170 or the breast is 170, then cover with foil and remove from the oven until the temp reaches 175-180 (If you feel safe to do so, I take out at 165, and don't let it rise about 170-175). Then, uncover, let rest a few minutes, then carve.

If you don't use a probe thermometer already inserted to monitor temperature, then break the skin with an instant read thermometer, you are just letting all the juices run out before the poultry has time to set and let the juices back into the meat.|||Whole chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. When you poke it with a fork the juices should run clear.|||ideally about 80 or above.|||68oc|||over guidelines of hot food about 75 to 80 and cut at leg and juices should be clear no blood|||76 degrees centigrade in the thickest part and maintain the temperature for 30 seconds.

That is the standard used by most restaurants.|||technically it should read 70 degrees c for two minutes, but if the juices run clear then it should be cooked.|||165 degrees Fahrenheit.

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